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英语提高版2A Breakfast

时间:2024-07-20 12:55:05 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Situation 2:BreakfastThe coffee smells great.Is that bagel ready?I’m starving.It’s ready just like it always is and just like I toldyou it would be....

Situation 2:


The coffee smells great.Is that bagel ready?

I’m starving.

It’s ready just like it always is and just like I told

you it would be.

What would I do without you?

You’re the best.(Takes a sip of coffee.)

And this coffee is pretty good,too.

We both know you just like me for my cooking.

That’s not so.In fact,I’m the one who made dinner of the

last two nights.

Oh yeah.I guess that means it’s

my turn tonight.

Only if you want to.I don’t mind

cooking once a day,especially when the weather is nice and I

can barbecue.

Okay,but let’s get back to breakfast;can I get

you anything else?

A little more coffee would be great,with a little more

sugar in at this time,please.

Sure.Do you want another bagel or some fruit?

No,thanks.I’m just not that hungry in the morning.

You know that.

I know,but I was reading in a magazinethat breakfast is the

most important meal of the day.

I’ve heard that too,but I just can’t force myself to eat

when I’m not hungry.

Why don’t I pack you a snack for later in the morning?

You could eat it around ten when you get gungry.

That’s a great idea.I always regret not eating breakfast

right at ten o’clock.

What shall I make?

How about a beer?

James,be serious.

Okay,how about an apple and some cheese?

That’s better.Just give me a minute to get it packed.

Take your time,I’m still early.

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