Each household with permanent residence registration in Guangzhou will be offered 150 yuan in cash subsidies for commuting purposes after local authorities scrapped a move to make public transport free ahead of the upcoming Asian Games。
上文中,cash subsidy就是“现金补贴”,cash subsidies for commuting purposes是“现金交通补贴”,也可以用commuting allowance来表示,也就是我们工资中的“交通补助”那一项。其它类似的补贴还包括meal allowance(餐补)、phone allowance(通讯补助)等。
广州实行free public transport service(免费乘车优惠政策)一周导致地铁里出现了excessive passenger flows(超大客流量),严重超出了地铁的designed capacity(设定运力)。