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中关村软件园多家企业将亮相服贸会 全面展示数字服务最新成果

时间:2024-07-20 12:37:51 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:很多台湾人都觉得大陆非常的落后,甚至都吃不起茶叶蛋,事实真的如此么?近日中关村软件园多家企业将亮相服贸会 全面展示数字服务最新成果,让世界看看中国的高科技。下面沪江英语...

很多台湾人都觉得大陆非常的落后,甚至都吃不起茶叶蛋,事实真的如此么?近日中关村软件园多家企业将亮相服贸会 全面展示数字服务最新成果,让世界看看中国的高科技。下面沪江英语为大家整理了双语的新闻,一起来看一下吧。

A number of technology companies from Zhongguancun Software Park will showcase their latest achievements in digital services at the 2022 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS). Among the tech firms are Wanji Technology, whose lidar products are sold all over the world, Glodon, which provides digital building services in more than 100 countries and Youdao, which provides language services through technological innovation. Zhongguancun Software Park is the only national software industry base in Beijing and a national export base for software and digital services. There are more than 700 well-known IT corporate headquarters and global R&D centers in the park.


On August 4, the "E-sports Beijing 2022" competition hosted by Beijing State-owned Cultural Assets Management Center kicked off in Tongzhou, Beijing. According to Zhao En Guo, deputy director of the Center, VR games and simulator e-sports have been added for the first time this year, to enhance the experience. The goal of the event is to promote high-quality development of the industry.

8月4日,由北京市国有文化资产管理中心主办的“电竞北京2022”发布会暨“电竞北京2022”城市挑战赛开赛仪式在北京通州万达广场启幕。北京市国有文化资产管理中心副主任赵恩国表示,在以往的基础上,今年设立了 VR电竞、模拟器电竞等创新项目,这样能更好地增强电竞项目的体验感,让更多的电竞爱好者能够参与到电竞赛事中来。

Recently, 192 selected college students from Beijing volunteered to participate in the "Western China Plan" support project in places including Xinjiang, Xizang, Inner Mongolia. Volunteers will work in grass-root positions for 1 to 3 years, contributing to education, health and rural development.


The writing activity "Experience and Witness - My Story with the International Exchange Center" officially launched in Beijing on August 5th. The purpose of this event is to capture the touching moments during Beijing’s construction of an international exchange center and tell the stories of people serving the country’s foreign exchange. Participants can submit their works through the Beijing Cloud website (zhengji.beijingcloud.com.cn).

8月5日下午,“亲历 见证——我与国际交往中心的故事”征文活动正式启动。发掘北京推进国际交往中心功能建设的感人瞬间,讲述服务国家对外交往的温馨故事。参赛人员可登录北京云网站(zhengji.beijingcloud.com.cn)进入投稿页面提交作品。

The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission recently released a report on the achievements in transformation and development of the western part of the city in the first half of the year. In the past six months, driven by the Winter Olympics, the 36 annual key tasks progressed smoothly. Fixed asset investment in 80 major projects achieved over 70% of the annual target. Shougang Park has become a new "Internet famou place", attracting a large number of sci-fi industry companies to settle there.


Mobile 5G network now fully covers Chang’an Avenue and its extension roads. According to China Mobile, more than 300 5G base stations have been installed in an area of about 28 kilometers along Chang’an Avenue, with a network coverage rate of 99.73%. Chang’an Avenue, located in the center of Beijing, is the most important traffic artery in the east-west direction. Along the road are Square, the National Museum, the National Theater for Performing Arts and other important buildings.


According to latest plan, Beijing will push forward the renovation of old residential neighborhoods built before the year 2000, to improve the living environment. The plan covers the renovation of 3,949 old residential communities and bungalow-dominated areas. Beijing will pay special attention to improve conditions for parking, greening and public facilities in the bungalow areas.


New fans were installed in Beijing’s subway trains and platforms recently in order to offer "cool summer" commute to passengers. 790 fans in 42 stations of Subway Fangshan Line, Line S1, Line 13, Line 15 and Changping Line are put into use.


This year, Beijing’s traffic management department has increased the number of monitoring devices on various types of roads. More than 1,900 sets of equipment are responsible for capturing traffic violations. The monitoring equipment was further optimized for accuracy and can clearly record violations such as talking on the phone and texting while driving.


Zhangjiawan in Tongzhou District is the starting point of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. In order to protect Zhangjiawan’s historic site and the cultural relics of Tongyun Bridge, a protective renovation project will start in mid-August and is expected to be completed by October 31. Beijing plans to make Zhangjiawan a new tourist attraction on the Grand Canal.



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