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首页 英语 每日情景英语必练:Believe and disbelieve

每日情景英语必练:Believe and disbelieve

时间:2024-07-20 08:57:17 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:007 Believe and disbelieve1.I can easily believe it.2.I don’t doubt your words.3.I think what you said is true.4.I’am convinced of his honesty.5.I&r...

007 Believe and disbelieve

1.I can easily believe it.

2.I don’t doubt your words.

3.I think what you said is true.

4.I’am convinced of his honesty.

5.I’ll take your word, Ford.

6.I have complete faith in what he said.

7.Did you really?

8.I know better than that.93.

9.It cann’t be true.

10.You cann’t be serious.

Dialogue 1

M:Have you heard about Anlesen Davi?

M:No,have they have another fight?

M:No, they got engageed.

W:You must be joking.Those two.

M:Well, my dear.I didn’t believe either.But got it straight form the horse’s mouth.Davi called me this morning.

W:So when did this happen?

M:Last weekend ,while they were on the sik trip.

W:Well, I believe it now, and when are they are getting marry?

M:Next june.

W:I can hardly believe it.

Dialogue 2

W:We scored six goals.

M:I don’t believe it.

W:And I score three of them.

M:You are not serious?

W:We had extra time of course.

M:I can believe that.

Dialogue 3

M:Have heard of Paul?

W:No, what?

M:He’s got a promotion.

W:You’re kidding.

M:No, they made him vicepresident in charge of sells.

W:I don’t believe it.He is only being with the company for two years.

M:Well,it’s true.The board man last thriday and they choice Paul.

W:Well.Good for him.

Dialogue 4

M:Excuse me sir.May I come in?

S:Mike,you’re lare again.

M:I’m sorry, but my sister was ill, so I

S:Do you think I believe the story like that?

M:But it’s true.

S:How can believe it if the sameexcuse was used twice within a week?

M:That’s coincident。

S:Ok,hold it. Remember to be punctual next time。

M:I promise I will.

s:You’d better.

Dialogue 5

W:What do you think of doctor Tomson?

M:I feel confident of his ability to cure my daughter’s disease.

W:How can you be so sure?

M:I can tell form the way he spoke to us.

W:Never believe his words.

Dialogue 6

M:My goodness.She is thirty seconds faster than the world records in five thousand meters race.

W:Excuse me.What did you say?

M:A chinese girl have broken the world record in the Olympic Games

W:That’s incredible.I cann’t believe it.

M:You have to. It’s sure.

W:How amazing!

Dialogue 7

W:Suiz worte me a letter.

M:What did she say?

W:She got a master degree, and now she is going for her doctor.

M:Really?I can’t believe it.

W:It’s not a surprise, is it?She has always been a hard working student.

M:But I think a master degree is good enough for a girl.

M:When I was told that Frank was getting married, I could hardly believe my ears.Because Frank was so satisfied with his free single life and he didn’t want tocommitted to anyone.So my first response to the news was is he really?But latter I was convinced by their romance.Frank mate his Phoncy on a holiday in Span. They feld love almost at the first sight, but the girl was relax as independent as he was, therefore it took quite a while for their relationship to reach that place.If it hadn’t it being for their story,I wouldn’t have believe love at first sight.



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