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英语情景口语对话:marriage and dating婚姻与约会

时间:2024-07-20 08:54:29 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:007 marriage and datingbeginnerA: how are you wedding plans going.B: very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things...

007 marriage and dating


A: how are you wedding plans going.

B: very well. We started organizing everything early to avoid a last minute rush to get things done. The only thing that isn’t ready yet is my wedding dress.

A: when will that be ready?

B: the dressmakers said that is would be ready in two weeks.

A: you’re getting married in three weeks. So that should be ok. So, you’ve prepared the church, catering, transport, hotel-everything.

B: yes. We’ve taken care of all of that. We decided not to get married in a church though. Neither of us is very religious.

A: which hotel will the reception be held at?

B: the palace hotel they’re taking care of the catering, including the wedding cake. I’m sure they’ll do a good job.

A; oh, yes. It’s and excellent hotel. A friend of mine had her wedding reception there and said it was perfect, though very expensive.

B: yes. It will be expensive, but we think it will be worth. It gives us great peace of mind to know that our reception is in the hands of experienced people.

A; I think you make the right decision.


A: hello mary. I havn’t seen you for ages. Are you still seeing paul?

B: no. we broke up last month. I’m taking a break from dating for a while.

A: did you break up amicably? Sometimes couples row a lot before splitting up.

B: we just decided to stop seeing each other. It was all very amicable. Are you still going out with mike?

a: yes, I am. We’re thinking about getting engaged. We’ve been dating for over a year now.

b: good for you! Have you seen Kelly recently: is she still dating nick?

A; I havn’t seen her for a while. She stopped seeing nick because he was cheating on her. He was seeing a girl fomp3 his office. One day, she saw them holding hands and ended the relationship immediately.

B; she was right to do that. I heard the neil and tina getting married soon.

A: really? They’ve been together for a long time. When are they getting married?

B; I think it’s 26th September. I’ll check and make sure that tina remembers to invite you to the hen night.

A: tinks….hey, look at that guy over there. I think he fancies you.

B: he certainly looks interested doesn’t he? Shall we invite him over to our table.


Marry marriage propose divorce wedding engagement date fancy hen night stag night wedding dress anniversary separated split up unfaithful romantic kiss row live together flirt


Be interested in sb. Set a wedding date go on a date fall in love have a relationship go out together be seeing someone stop seeing someone have and affair be engaged cheat on someone hold hands

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