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每日情景英语必练:Approval and Disapproval

时间:2024-07-20 08:54:27 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:006 Approval and Disapproval1.Are you in favour of his opinion?2.Is it ok now?3.Do you approveof the new disign?4.Good. It’s the correct thing to do.5.The...

006 Approval and Disapproval

1.Are you in favour of his opinion?

2.Is it ok now?

3.Do you approveof the new disign?

4.Good. It’s the correct thing to do.

5.The idea is very good.

6.What an excellent idea.

7.I don’t think that’s very good.

8.That’s silly.

9.Surely not.

10.I must say I disapprove of tax avoidence.

Dialogue 1

W: I’ve typed the report.

M: Well done.

w: And I filed the letters.

M: Excellent job

W: And I’ve checked the orders

M: I very impressed.

W: And I’ve order supplyies

M: Congratuations.You shuld be very proud of youself.

Dialogue 2

M: I feel terrible board.I’am going to take a job.

W: Good。

M:Then I can by my own car.

W: Splended.

M: And pay for my own close.

W: That’s an excellent idea.

Dialogue 3

W: I think modern painting meanS nothing

M: I think so too. It’s just pointless.

W: Then why are so many crazy about it

M: I don’t know.Maybe they are really crazy.

W: Maybe.

Dialogue 4

M: Dalian is a beautiful city. Do you agree?

W: I suppose I do.

M: The climate here is pleasant.

W: They use said it

M: This city is really comfortable to living.

W: It sure is

M: No other city can match it. It’s heaven.

W: If you live in other as long enough you love them just as much.

M: Maybe.

W: That’s for sure.

W:No, no.It’s not fair to say I disapprove,disappointed perhaps.But anyway nothing I say is likely to make any differcene, is it? I mean you’ve major mind up already, havn’t you? It’s just that, well, I always thought that we’ll turn out differently. We always had particular way of life—done certain things, movex into certain circle. No I don’t disapprove.



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