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时间:2024-07-20 08:52:19 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:048educationWordsNursery school kindergarten elementary school primary school middle school junior high schoolSenior high school college/university public priva...



Nursery school kindergarten elementary school primary school middle school junior high school

Senior high school college/university public private tuition semester trimester quarter class lesson

Subject temp3 graduate graduation diploma degree classroom extracurricular lecture grant

Further education professor bachelor’s master’s doctorate


Take an exam

Pass/fail an exam

Pursue further education


A: could you tell me your education background?

B: sure. Where shall I begin?

A: where did you go to university?

B: I went to the university of ohio, in America.

A; what degree did you get?

B: I got a bachelor’s degree.

A: what was your major?

B: I majored in English and minored in Chinese.

A: what was you G.P.A?

B: I graduated with honors; I had a 3.9.

A: do you plan to pursue further education?

B: yes. I’d like to obtain a master’s degree in international relations.

A: when do you think you will do that?

B: after I have 3-4 years of word experience.

A: I see.


A: hi, Melissa! How are you doing?

B; I’m so stressed! I don’t know where to go to school and what to major in!

A: don’t worry. You have plenty of time to decide.

B: actually, I don’t. if I want to get grants and scholarships to help me pay for tuition, then I need to apply by Monday.

A: oh, I see. Well, let me see if I can help you. What’s your favorite subject?

B: I like English, math, art, and music.

A: ok. Which one do you like the most?

B; I guess I’d have to say English . I usually do pretty well in English classed, too.

A: which subject do you get your highest grades in?

B: actually, that would have to be math.

A: ok, well. What kind of job do you want to get when you graduate?

B; I don’t know. All I know is that I want to make lots of money!

A: alright. So, is it more important to you to make money or to enjoy your work?

b; in a perfect world, I would enjoy my word, not have to do much, and make lots of money!

A: ok. Stop dreaming. Since you sound a bit unsure, I’d suggest taking bout math and English classes your first semester to see which you enjoy more. You can always change your mind.

B; that’s a good idea. But what about deciding on where to go to college?

A: why don’t we go take a tour of some of the universities around here this weekend?

B; that sounds like a great idea, but to be honest, I’ve already decide that I don’t want to go to school near home.

A: oh? Why not?

B; I need to broaden my horizons. That’s what you always say, right?

A: yes, maybe one time too many.

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