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每日情景英语必练:Apartment 公寓上

时间:2024-07-20 08:48:57 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:48.Apartment 公寓(上)1.Where can I find an apartment?2.I’m going to find a place near my office.3.Do you have your own house?4.It’s a long trip to w...

48.Apartment 公寓(上)

1.Where can I find an apartment?

2.I’m going to find a place near my office.

3.Do you have your own house?

4.It’s a long trip to work every day.

5.How can you find an apartment?

6.Can I find an apartment by checking the ads. in a newspaper?

7.Apartments in the suburbs are cheaper.

8.I’ve got a vacancy.

9.When do you think is convenient to see the room.

10.Can you tell me your present address?

Dialogue One

A:Are you going home now?

B:No,I’m not.

A:What are you going to do?Are you going to work late?

B:No,I’m not.I’m going to look for an apartment.

A:An apartment?Why?

B:I’m going to try to find a place near the office.

A:Where are you living now?

B:Out in the suburbs.It’s a long trip to work every day.

A:How are you going to find an apartment ?

B:I’m going to buy a newspaper and check the classified ads.

A:Apartments in the city are expensive.

B:I know,but I’m going to enroll in a night school to take a course in business management.

Dialogue TWo

A:Now darling,I know that we’ve bought this house together,but it’s just going to be far too expensive to decorate it.I think we should sell it.

B:Oh,no,Nathan,I...I really think we’ve bought this flat at the right time,you know.Market prices are going to go up,and I think you’ll find in a year or two it will be worth a lot more.

A:But we’re going to spend so much money in furnishing and decorating.I think we could get a much cheaper place that’s already furnished.

B:But don’t you like this place? I remember when we came to see it we thought it would be lovely.

A:Well,only you liked it really,darling.

B:Oh,why didn’t you say so then?But I still think we’ve made a good buy.

Dialogue Three

A:Good morning.May I help you?

B:Yes.I’m looking for an apartment_I’d like two bedrooms.

A:All right. Have a seat,please.Let me ask you a few questions.First of all,may I have your name,please?

B:My name’s Donald Eakins.

A:How do you spell your last name,Mr.Eakins.

B:It’s E-A-K-I-N-S.

A:E-A-K-I-N-S.First name :Donald.And what’s your present address,Mr.Eakins?

B:It’s 1446 Pine Street.

A:1446 Pine.That’s in San Francisco,isn’t it?

B:Yes,it is.


The Smiths have bought a new house.Mr.Smith think that the house is very beautiful,and they are lucky.It’s in a small town 20 miles south of the capital city.The location is very good.The house looks quite new from outside.It has a nice living room, a dinning room and two large bedrooms.One for them and the other for the kids.The kitchen is modern.It has a new refrigerator,and an electric stove and a dishwasher.They plan to buy some furniture for their new house.They will move in next week.



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