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每日情景英语必练:Urge 催促

时间:2024-07-20 08:45:09 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:44.Urge 催促1.I think you’d better get going now.2.Let’s be quick, I’m not going to miss my flight.3.We’d better hurry up.4.You’d...

44.Urge 催促

1.I think you’d better get going now.

2.Let’s be quick, I’m not going to miss my flight.

3.We’d better hurry up.

4.You’d better get a move on it.

5.Let’s hurry.

6.Let’s speed up!

7.We ’d better step on it.

8.Come on quick or we’ll be left behind.

9.Make haste!

10.Don’t you think we’d leave for the concert now?

Dialogue One

A:Come on,darling.We haven’t got much time.

B:All right.I’m nearly ready.What time does the bus leave?

A:Half past six....and it’s half past six already.

B:Oh,we’ve got plenty of time.

A:We haven’t .Hurry up!

B:All right.Let’s go.

A:And about time too!

Dialogue Two

A:Maybe we’d better go now.

B:It’s still early.

A:Gosh,it’s already 10.Stay here if you like.

B:Since we’re late,let’s go to see a film.

A:OK.Hurry up.

Dialogue Three

A:Come on!It’s time to go!

B:Wait a minute!Just hold your horses!What’s your hurry,anyway?

A:Well, I’ve got to stop and get gas in the car,first.

B:That won’t take long.

A:Well,it won’t if there no line at the pump.

B:Well,I’m not quite ready.

A:I’ll give you five more minutes,then I’m going on without you!

B:You wouldn’t do a thing like that!

A:Oh,yes,I would!

Dialogue Four

A:Let’s speed up .We’re going to be late again.

B:If we hurry,can we get there in time?

A:I hope so.

Dialogue Five

A:Don’t you think we ’d leave for the concert now?

B:What time dose it start?

A:In about 25 minutes.

B:Then we’d better get start.

Dialogue Six

A:Why aren’t you doing your homework?

B:I’ll do it later,Dad.I must prepare the concert on Saturday.

A:Oh,is it?You’ll be making records next,will you?

B:We hope so.

A:You’d better get on with your homework!You can practice on Sunday.

B:Oh dad. You don’t understand at all.

A:I certainly could.You’ll get exams next month.

B:I don’t need it to play the guitar.

A:Oh,don’t you?God save me!

B:I’m sorry.


A friend of mine,Robert Taylor,almost had a nervous breakdown last week.I urged him to go to the doctor immediately.He ,certainly,went to see a doctor and told hom about his trouble.The doctor suggested him taking a holiday and going to quite and peaceful places,like Florida.When Robert went out,the doctor run after him and patiently urged him to follow his advice.



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