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每日情景英语必练:Direction 问路上

时间:2024-07-20 08:43:23 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:55 Direction 问路(上)1.Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to the railway station?2.Excuse me,where is the way to the railway station?3.How can I get to the...

55 Direction 问路(上)

1.Excuse me,could you tell me how to get to the railway station?

2.Excuse me,where is the way to the railway station?

3.How can I get to the railway station?

4.Is this the right way to the railway station?

5.Which is the nearest way to the railway station?

6.Excuse me,I wonder if you could help me.I’m looking for the Museum.

7.Is it far to walk?

8.How far is it from here?

9.Will it take me long to get there?

10.Is there any bus to go there?

Dialogue One

A:Excuse me,but could you tell me the way to the railway station?

B:The railway station?Just go down this street and turn left at the second corner.The station is at the end of that street.

A:How long will it take me to get there?

B:It’s about a ten-minute walk.

A:That’s very clear.I think I can find my way now.Thank you.

B:Not at all.

Dialogue Two

A:Excuse me.Could you tell me how to get to the laundromat from here?

B:The laundromat ?Sorry ,I really don’t know.

A:Well,thanks anyway.(To another man)Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to the laundromat?

C:Uh,let me think for a mintue.The laundromat.Ah, yes.It’s on Garfield.So ,go straight down this road until you come to the bowling alley. Then turn right and walk two blocks.Then go left on Garfield.I think the laundromat’s in the middle of the block.Yeah, that’s right,next to the drugstore.

A:I see,I go straight to the bowling alley,then right two blocks,and then left.And it’s next to a drugstore.

C:That’s it.

A:Is it far away from here?

C:Not really.

A:Well,thanks very much.

C:You’re welcome.Have a good day.

A:You too.

Dialogue Three

A:Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the Grand Cinema?

B:I’m sorry.I can’t .I’m a stranger here myself.

A:Oh dear. How can I find out?

B:Why don’t you ask at the post office?

A:That’s a good idea.Do you know where the post office is?

B:Yes. It’s at the end of this road.

A:I wonder if you could tell me where the Grand Cinema is?

C:what’s the name again?

A:The Grand Cinema.It’s supposed to be around here somewhere.

C:Oh,yeah.It must be that place around the corner on Elm street.

A:How far is it from here?

C:You’ve got to take the No.402 bus.

A:Oh,thanks a lot.


Mr.Adam’s old grandfather lived with her and her husband.Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.

But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs.Adams’ house at twelve o’clock,and two policeman helped her grandfather to ger out."The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and called us for help,so we sent a car to bring him home."Mrs. Adams was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left.

"But,Grandfather,"she then side,"you’ve been to the park nearly every day for twenty years.How did you lose your way there?"

The old man smiled,closed one eye and said,"I didn’t quite lose my way.I just got tired and I didn’t want to walk home!"



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