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英语情景口语:meat and fish

时间:2024-07-20 08:39:33 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:033 meat and fishWordsPork beef veal chicken lamb mutton dog bacon salmon steak hamburger spices tuna liverDuck barbecue turkey innards bone sauce boil fry roas...

033 meat and fish


Pork beef veal chicken lamb mutton dog bacon salmon steak hamburger spices tuna liver

Duck barbecue turkey innards bone sauce boil fry roast boil slice chop cut


Be a meat lover

Meat and two vegetables

Hold a barbecue

Roast over an open fire

Go hunting/fishing


A: which kinds of meat are most popular in your country?

B: we eat a lot of chicken, pork and beef. You eat those meat a lot in your country too, don’t you?

A: yes, we do. We also eat a lot of lamb.

B; yes. I’ve heard that people in your country like to eat lamb chops.

A: that’s right. They tastes so good! We eat them with mint sauce. Have you every tried them?

B: yes, I have . I tried them when I visited your country last year. I thought they were very tasty. Can you cook them?

A; I certainly can. If I can get some from the butcher’s, I’ll cook them for you.

B; that sounds great. I’ll bring a bottle of wine.


A; what do we need for the barbecue?

B; well, I’ve bought a lot of meat. I’ve got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings, and plenty of hot sausages and hamburger patties.

A; I can’t wait to start cooking! I’ve bought the grill and charcoal. Do you have enough plates and utensils?

B: I think so. I bought some paper plates and cups for people to use. It will save on the washing up!

A; and if people drop them ,they won’t break. We’ll need to buy some buns to make hot dogs and hamburgers.

B; they sell them at the shop around the corner. We can go and get some in a few minutes.

A; I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some onions for the hot dogs. We’ll need some tomato ketchup and some barbecue sauce.

B; I have the sauce, but remind me to get some ketchup at the shop.

A: how long does it take to cook meat on a barbecue?

B; it only takes a few minutes. Some people like their meat well done. Others like it rare. The great thing about a barbecue is that everyone can choose how they want their meat cooked.

A; they can cook it themselves to make sure it’s exactly how they like it.

B; I hope you haven’t invited any vegetarians!

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