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时间:2024-07-20 08:39:04 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:12. Congratulation1. Congratulations!2. Many many congratulations on your marriage.3. It was great to hear you’ve got a good job.4. Well done, Collin.5. Allow...

12. Congratulation

1. Congratulations!

2. Many many congratulations on your marriage.

3. It was great to hear you’ve got a good job.

4. Well done, Collin.

5. Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations.

6. I must congratulate you.

7. I’d like to be the first to congratulate you.

8. Let me congratulate you.

9. May I congratulate you?

10. Please accept my heartiest congratulation.

Dialogue 1

M: How are you, Sue?

W: Pretty good. I’ve just had my new poems published.

M: Congratulations on your success.

W: Thank you.

M: And how’s your brother?

W: He is fine.

M: He’s going to be sent to Britain to study, really?

W: Yes. He’s already got the passport and visa.

M: Fantastic! Please send him my congratulations.

W: Thank you. He’s very lucky indeed.

Dialogue 2

W: David, I’m going to China.

M: Really? How do you get the chance?

W: You know. I took part in the Chinese contest. I was the best and they gave me this reward. I don’t have to pay for my trip.

M: Congratulations. How lucky you are!

W: Thank you. I’m leaving tomorrow morning.

M: I’m sure you’ll enjoy the trip. China is such a beautiful country.

W: I’m sure I will.

M: Have a nice journey, Lily.

W: Thank you, David.

Dialogue 3

M: I passed history test.

W: Really? That’s marvelous!

M: And then you’re old man won’t be beaten this time.

W: I’ve made up my mind not to be beaten again.

Dialogue 4

M: Lisa, I am told you did very well in your exam.

W: I was the only one who got a strait A in our class.

M: Congratulations on your success.

W: Thank you.

Dialogue 5

M1: Nice to see you, Patrick.

M2: Bob! I hear your team won the match.

M1: Yeah. All of us tried our best.

M2: Congratulations!

M1: Thanks.

Dialogue 6

M: You look so happy, Anna. Any good news?

W: Yes. I’ve won the first prize in the math contest.

M: Really? Congratulations!

W: Thank you, Paul.

M: By the way, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow evening? Tomorrow is my birthday.

W: Good, happy birthday to you!

M: Not so soon. It’s not my birthday today. Well, you’ll come, won’t you?

W: Sure, I will. Thank you for inviting me.

M: My pleasure.

Good evening. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our nurse of the year, Miss Helen Taylor. Miss Taylor, hearty congratulations on your success. I’m very happy for you. You’ve been awarded this prize as a result of recommendations from your seeing your officers, your colleagues, and parents of the children. Here are some of their recommendations, efficient but patient, helpful and happy, strict but caring, humor and interested. These are the greatest recommendations any nurse could receive. Let me congratulate you again.



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