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首页 英语 经典短篇散文-Many Lifetimes Ago

经典短篇散文-Many Lifetimes Ago

时间:2024-07-20 01:00:29 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Many lifetimes agoWe raced through the universeLike two shooting starsWithout a homeNever burning outNever growing oldOur love was strong.We invented loveWhile...

Many lifetimes ago

We raced through the universe

Like two shooting stars

Without a home

Never burning out

Never growing old

Our love was strong.

We invented love

While playing on the rings of Saturn

We slept and gave warmth to one another

While hiding out on Pluto

We stopped by the sun for tea

Then moved on again

Our love was strong.

Then came the time to leave this infinite space

We wept and smiled

For we knew we’d meet again

When the time came, you moved ahead and I stayed behind

My reason for yielding was simple

I had to watch your miracle of life from above

My love was strong.

I was born on a warm Monday

Years passed by and I missed your company so deeply

I knew not who you were or where you slept

But knew you were there, always there

A lifetime of searching made me tired and weak

I knew nowhere else to look until you willed me back into your life

Your love was strong.

Tonight we rest our heads in slumber

Dreaming of a life of love, hope, laughter, and joy

Smiling at one another as we go

For tomorrow we meet again

To share one another in joyful bliss

As we sing and dance, hand in hand while the sun sets

Our love is strong.

Our love is strong.

And now we come together

Come together again to gain what is rightfully ours

We come together to gain the other half of our soul

So that it may once again become whole

Two bodies, one soul...so we can close our eyes

And travel the universe just like we did so many lifetimes ago.

-Poem by Jason Cain Rackley

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