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首页 英语 2014新年伊始:年轻人应该做的9件事


时间:2024-07-19 23:47:48 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:It’s crazy how quickly time is going by. Every year, I make goals for myself and can never seem to accomplish them all. It’s like I try to cram all...

It’s crazy how quickly time is going by. Every year, I make goals for myself and can never seem to accomplish them all. It’s like I try to cram all of these tasks -- for instance, starting a company, winning the lottery, getting a book deal, creating a TV show, etc. -- into a year, but most are not actually all that realistic. Like, I’m probably not going to become famous overnight, right? However, beyond the many things I hope to accomplish some time in the near future, there are a couple of things I -- and you -- should do in the new year no matter what.


Here are 9 things every 20-something should do in 2014:


1. Be active.


Whether you’re going to the gym twice a day every day or you’re taking walks around your neighborhood three times a week, make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity on the regular. Don’t say you’re too busy for it... we’re all busy. You just need to make time for it (especially if you sit at a desk all week long). Whether that time is on the weekend, at 5:00 a.m. every day, or right before you go to bed, make it happen. Five minutes of crunches is better than nothing.


2. Take a vacation.


We are given mandatory vacation days for a reason. Don’t use them all on days for appointments and visiting home. Go somewhere warm! Go somewhere romantic! Go somewhere exotic and different. You have your own money now. And you certainly deserve it.


3. Have a crazy night(s) out.


No, you don’t have to get wasted every time you go out. You don’t even have to drink every time you go out. In fact, you don’t even need to go out that much. But make sure you have at least one wild night this year when you do go out (preferably more than one). And by wild night, I of course mean drink so much that you do stupid things you will most definitely regret the next morning. Everyone needs a good story every now and then.


4. Think.


Think before you spend. Think before you eat. Think before you tweet. Think before you drink. A problem with us 20-somethings is that we rarely think -- we just DO. We have (barely any) money, so we spend it. We hate saying no, so we constantly find ourselves eating poorly and drinking way too often. We are under pressure by Instagram and feel the need to add a filter to every single picture we take and then post it on all social media sites we use. We tweet whatever is on our mind. And we post things on Facebook in the heat of the moment. This year, think before you do any of the above. Please.


5. Cook something.


As a 20-something, you need to learn to cook. You should already know how to cook pasta and eggs -- and know how to use the oven. Now, spice up your pasta and eggs with new recipes... and of course learn what to do with meat, whether it’s in a crock pot, the oven, the stove, or on a grill. Of course, microwavable meals are nice when you worked late or are just way too busy. But to be healthy, you must cook! I’m not saying turn into a chef... but look easy recipes up online. Cooking is really not that bad.


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