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英语美文:面对挑战 勇于对自己说我可以

时间:2024-07-19 23:14:12 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:I love challenging myself. I like to set a goal that seems difficult or even impossible and then do everything I can to reach that goal. It’s not always e...

I love challenging myself. I like to set a goal that seems difficult or even impossible and then do everything I can to reach that goal. It’s not always easy, and sometimes I don’t reach the goal--heck, sometimes I don’t come anywhere close to reaching it--but it’s still something that I love to do. Sometimes the challenges I take on are physical, such as running a very long distance, and sometimes they’re more mental, such as writing a book. Sometimes they’re very abstract, such as trying to deal with my fear of heights or my uneasiness in crowds. But no matter what kind they are, I feel fortunate that I’m able to identify challenges and then take them on.


I actually meet many of them. I’ve run one hundred miles in 26 hours, I’ve written a few novels, and I’ve done some other things that I didn’t think I could do at first. Nowadays, though, after taking on so many challenges, I never really feel that something is impossible--I pretty much know that anything is possible with the right attitude and enough effort. That’s not to say that nowadays I meet every challenge successfully,because I don’t. I just don’t start out by thinking that I can’t do it.


And I’ve learned that my attitude towards a challenge is one of the most important keys to meeting it. If I see a challenge ahead and I’am overwhelmed or intimidated, then the chances are very good that I won’t be successful in meeting it.


If, on the other hand, I see a challenge and immediately start thinking of different ways that I might be able to meet it, the chances are good that I shall meet it successfully.


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