1. Answer the question, "Why am I going to college?"
Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet. They inherit goals from family and peers which aren't truly their own. What are you there to learn? What do you want to experience?
2. Imagine your ideal college experience.
Once you know why you're going to university,imagine your ideal outcome. Whether you've already started university or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience. Describe it in as much detailas you can. Real life will of course turn out differently than you visualize. The point of visualization is to giveyou more clarity for making decisions right now.
3. Take at least one extra class each semester.
The real benefit to a dense schedule isn't that you'll graduate sooner. The real benefit is that you'll enjoy a richer experience. This sort of thing sure looks great on a resume.
4. Set clear goals for each class.
Decide what you want out of each specific class.Sometimes you'll achieve your goals; sometimes youwon't. Even if you do your best, you may stillfall short. You'll have to pick your battles. Some are worth fighting; others are best ignored.
5.Triage ruthlessly.
You don't need to put an equal amount of effort into every class. Inject extra effort when it's important to you, but feel free to back off a little from classes that are a low priority based on your specific goals.