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英文小诗赏析:Baseball and Writing

时间:2024-07-19 22:40:43 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:by Marianne Moore(Suggested by post-game broadcasts)Fanaticism?No.Writing is excitingand baseball is like writing.You can never tell with eitherhow it will goor...

by Marianne Moore

(Suggested by post-game broadcasts)

Fanaticism?No.Writing is excitingand baseball is like writing.You can never tell with eitherhow it will goor what you will do;generating excitement——a fever in the victim——pitcher, catcher, fielder, batter.Victim in what category?Owlman watching from the press box?To whom does it apply?Who is excited?Might it be I?

It’s a pitcher’s battle all the way——a duel——a catcher’s, as, with cruelpuma paw, Elston Howard lumbers lightlyback to plate.(His springde-winged a bat swing.)

They have that killer instinct;yet Elston——whose catchingarm has hurt them all with the bat——when questioned, says, unenviously,"I’m very satisfied.We won."Shorn of the batting crown, says, "We";robbed by a technicality.

When three players on a side play three positionsand modify conditions,the massive run need not be everything."Going, going . . . "

Isit?Roger Marishas it, running fast.You willnever see a finer catch.Well . . ."Mickey, leaping like the devil"——whygild it, although deer sounds better——snares what was speeding towards its treetop nest,one-handing the souvenir-to-bemeant to be caught by you or me.Assign Yogi Berra to Cape Canaveral;he could handle any missile.He is no feather."Strike! . . . Strike two!"Fouled back.A blur.It’s gone.

You would inferthat the bat had eyes.He put the wood to that one.Praised, Skowron says, "Thanks, Mel.I think I helped a little bit."All business, each, and modesty.Blanchard, Richardson, Kubek, Boyer.In that galaxy of nine, say whichwon the pennant?Each.It was he.Those two magnificent saves from the knee-throwsby Boyer, finesses in twos——like Whitey’s three kinds of pitch and prediagnosiswith pick-off psychosis.Pitching is a large subject.Your arm, too true at first, can learn tocatch your corners——even troubleMickey Mantle.("Grazed a Yankee!My baby pitcher, Montejo!"With some pedagogy,you’ll be tough, premature prodigy.)They crowd him and curve him and aim for the knees.

Tryingindeed!The secret implying:"I can stand here, bat held steady."One may suit him;none has hit him.Imponderables smite him.Muscle kinks, infections, spike woundsrequire food, rest, respite from ruffians.(Drat it!Celebrity costs privacy!)Cow’s milk, "tiger’s milk," soy milk, carrot juice,brewer’s yeast (high-potency——concentrates presage victorysped by Luis Arroyo, Hector Lopez——deadly in a pinch.And "Yes,it’s work; I want you to bear down,but enjoy itwhile you’re doing it."

Mr. Houk and Mr. Sain,if you have a rummage sale,don’t sell Roland Sheldon or Tom Tresh.Studded with stars in belt and crown,the Stadium is an adastrium.O flashing Orion,your stars are muscled like the lion.

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