[zhē bì]
wrap veil obscur shroud shield shade defilade close over roof overshadow shadowing shadow screen (grid) obscure overshade mask shading screening blot out obumbrate hid occultation shelter blackout sconce
The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop. 窗帘,门帘挂在窗户或其它开口处作为装饰物、遮光物或遮蔽物的织物
Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen. 遮蔽光或热的遮挡物
A screening against light or heat. 他给窗框上漆时,用遮蔽胶带把玻璃边缘贴住。
He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.
- 遮蔽[zhēbì]
- -hidefromview;cover;screen;obstruct;block;enclose;harboroge;shadow;{军}defilade;surround;close;shading;shrouding;veiling;shadowing;shade;eclipsing:
- 短语遮蔽本领hidingpower遮蔽地concealedground遮蔽构型{物化}eclipsedconformation遮蔽规则“shelter”rule遮蔽技术maskingtechnique遮蔽剂smokeagentforshielding遮蔽甲板{船}shelterdeck遮蔽甲板船shelterdeckship遮蔽损失eclipsingloss遮蔽物{军}defilade遮蔽效应capture-effect遮蔽烟幕smokescreen遮蔽阵地defiladedposition遮蔽组灯{航空;航海}groupoccultinglight
- -hidefromview;cover;screen;obstruct;block;enclose;harboroge;shadow;{军}defilade;surround;close;shading;shrouding;veiling;shadowing;shade;eclipsing:
The movable screen or drape in a theater or hall that separates the stage from the auditorium or that serves as a backdrop.
Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen.
A screening against light or heat.
He put masking tape round the edges of the glass while he painted the window frame.