[zhèn fēng]
gust gusty air gustiness gust of wind windflaw flurry flatus blast of wind squall puff of wind gusty wind
The wind whipped several slates off (the roof). 一阵风把他的几十。
A puff of wind swept his hat off. 一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。
A gust of wind made the candles flare. 这样的阵风天里我不想出门。
I don't want to go out in this gusty day. 这阵风来自西北方。
The wind is in the northwestern direction.
- 阵风[zhènfēng]
- -gust;thud;blastofwind;gustofwind;puffofwind
- 短语阵风分量gustinesscomponent;{气}intensityofturbulence阵风风洞gustwindtunnel阵风缓和器gustalleviator阵风缓和系统gustalleviationsystem阵风探空仪gustsonde阵风系数{气}gustinessfactor阵风响应gustresponse阵风载荷gustload阵风最大风速gustpeakspeed
The wind whipped several slates off (the roof).
A puff of wind swept his hat off.
A gust of wind made the candles flare.
I don't want to go out in this gusty day.
The wind is in the northwestern direction.