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  • (v) do farming; work the land
  • go in for forming
  • till land
  • cultivate land
  • 参考释义

    • -till[cultivate]land;goinforfarming;dofarmwork


  • 公司的事情已经到了这种地步,因此他正在考虑辞职。
    Things have come to such a state in the company that he's thinking of resigning.
  • 他对自己所处何种地步茫无所知。
    Little does he know (ie He doesn't know) what trouble he's in.
  • 在这种地方保密是不可能的。
    In this place privacy is impossible.
  • 我的朋友在威尔士的农场种地。
    My friend is farming in Wales.
  • 你的衣着应与你这种地位的妇女相称。
    You should dress in a way that befits a woman of your position.
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