[wěi bù]
tail afterbody trail stern empennage rump foot section tail-end after portion aft part aft end trailer caudal caudal region pars terminalis aft body end part
The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 尾翼飞机的尾部
The tail of an airplane. 翮羽鸟身上较大的翅膀或尾部的羽毛
Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird. 蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。
The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.
- 尾部[wěibù]
- -afterbody;empennage;tailassembly;tail;trailer;endportion;trailingend;footsection
- 短语尾部闭锁机构{军}finallockmechanism尾部标记trailerlabel尾部补机banker;bankengine尾部操纵tailing尾部粗毛saycast尾部记录trailerrecord尾部减速器tailgearbox尾部进气道tailinlet尾部警戒雷达{工}tailwarningradar尾部卡片trailercard尾部粒子trailingparticle尾部馏分tailing尾部隆起不稳定bump-tailinstability尾部螺旋桨tailrotor尾部起落架tailundercarriage
The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.
The tail of an airplane.
Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird.
The sting of a scorpion is in its tail.